US tariff
US President Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump on Wednesday offered to mediate the standoff between India and China.

A stand-off has taken place between Indian and Chinese armies at the Himalayan border, where soldiers camped out in a high-altitude region have accused each other of trespassing over the disputed border.

According to reports, US President Donald Trump in his official Twitter handle wrote:

We have informed both India and China that the United States is ready, willing and able to mediate or arbitrate their now raging border dispute’.

The standoff was triggered by India’s construction of roads and air strips in the region as it competes with China’s spreading Belt and Road initiative, involving infrastructure development and investment in dozens of countries.

There was no immediate response from either India or China to Trump’s offer.

Both countries have traditionally opposed any outside involvement in their matters and are unlikely to accept any US mediation, experts were quoted as saying.