Independent candidate for Guwahati Lok Sabha constituency Upamanyu Hazarika on Monday said that unlike old times, money plays the game in politics these days.

“Earlier the candidates of the political parties are supposed to have popularity. They were supposed be known in the area. However, the same is not relevant any more. Now it is the money that plays the game in elections,” said Hazarika while taking part in an interface organized by two civil society organizations Social Action for New Alternatives (SANA) and Coordination Committee for Participation in Democracy (CCPID) in Guwahati.

He said that the main problem Assam is suffering from is the leadership crisis.

“Our political representatives do not give importance to the problems faced by us. The Lok Sabha candidates by different political parties these days are imposed on as. Having a mass base is not a criterion any more,” said Hazarika.

Hazarika’s statements assumes significance considering the fact that the flying squads and police in Assam have so far seized illegal cash of Rs 9,32,25,101 till today followed by seizure of 1,42,975.17 litres of illegal liquor valued at Rs 1,31,08,539.

Hazarika, a Supreme Court advocate from Assam, is contesting the elections highlighting the issue of identity if indigenous people of Assam which is at stake due to threat from the illegal infiltration from Bangladesh.

Hazarika is the convener of Prabajan Virodhi Manch. He has been voicing concern against illegal migrants in Assam.