
The Naga Scholars’ Association (NSA) made a clarion call ‘to unitedly strive for achieving the aspiration of the Nagas’.

In a press communiqué issued on Saturday signed by its president, Dr Zuchamo Yanthan and Jt Secretary, Dr Lungthuiyang Riamei, the Naga scholars’ body urged, “The Naga people should continue to appreciate and support the initiative of the Core Committee of Nagaland Tribal Hohos and Civil Organisations (CCNTHCO) which is spearheading the current movement.”

The communique further stated that the Nagas should further strengthen the current movement and actively involve the apex pan Naga bodies, particularly the Naga Hoho.

It is crucial for the leaders of the movement to continuously strive to usher the confidence of the Naga people, the Naga scholars’ body noted.

Further, the association also urged the Naga political negotiators to give ‘utmost effort to collectively work out for an honourable Naga political settlement which is the desire of the Naga people.’

Expressing grave concern over the imposition of the election, the association observed that the ‘it is against the wish of the Naga people and stated it has resulted in the current imbroglio in Nagaland and is leading to furthering the trust-deficit of the Nagas.

The communique further stated, ‘the desire of the Nagas for the political solution has also brought together the Nagas from all walks of life and has ultimately taken collective decision for deferment of the Nagaland State Assembly 2018. This is a great achievement for the Nagas to have converged towards realisation of our aspiration’.

The association also urged the Naga politicians to play a ‘crucial role’.

“This is for the fact that all the potential electoral candidates belong to the Nagas despite varied political affiliations, be it national or regional. They must listen to the urgent call of the Naga people,” it stated.