Citizenship Bill
A protest rally against Citizenship Bill. File image: Northeast Now

Forum Against Citizenship Act Amendment Bill has appealed to all sections of people in Assam  get ready for a peaceful movement against the proposed Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016.

The forum has also called upon  the regional Asom Gana Parishad to “be with the people of the state” by snapping ties with the BJP-led government in Assam.

The proposed legislation seeks to grant Indian citizenship to persecuted minorities from neighbouring countries, which the Forum considers a threat to the “identity of Assam” and therefore a move that goes against the Constitution.

The forum’s chairperson, Dr Hiren Gohain calling for concerted efforts from the people of Assam  to start a movement  against the Bill, underlined the need to form local level committees to take the movement forward.

Addressing the media on Sunday Gohain said, “Circumstances (in the past few months) have compelled us to take the battle against the legislation forward and the people of Assam must now gear up at the local level to start a peaceful movement, which we assure, will not be against any religion or community.”

“AGP (an ally in the Assam government) does not have time to think further. The party should immediately snap ties with the BJP government and be with the people’s movement if it considers itself as a regional party. If not, the move would be tantamount to breach of people’s trust on regionalism which was the basis on which the party was formed,” he said.

The forum has also challenged two notifications relating to the amendments to the Foreigners Act, 1946, and the Passport (Entry Into India) Act, 1920, in the Supreme Court, regarding which a petition was submitted in the apex court on December 21.