Renowned filmmaker and yesteryear actor Amol Palekar calling on Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal at the Brahmaputra state guest house on July 15, 2018. Photo: Northeast Now

Renowned filmmaker and yesteryear actor Amol Palekar called on Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal at the Brahmaputra state guest house here Sunday morning and talked on a wide range of issues concerning Assamese cinema.

Chief Minister Sonowal while dwelling on the history of Assamese cinema put before the actor the highs and lows of Assamese film which began its journey with the release of Joymati in 1935. Sonowal also requested him to align with the local film personalities and help in charting out a broad roadmap for the development of the industry.

Amol Palekar appeared happy on the pioneering role that the film personalities from Assam like Jahnu Barua, Seema Biswas are playing who have also been working in tandem for the promotion of regional cinema besides Bollywood movies. The duo also talked on a Film Policy for Assam which will essentially act as a guide line for taking Assamese cinema forward.

Considering the fact that films are the best means to represent the state to the world, Sonowal requested Amol Palekar to use his huge experiences for the promotion of regional cinemas as the entire film fraternity of Assam would be with him in this journey. Chairman of Assam State Film Finance Development Corporation Jatin Bora, its Vice Chairman Abhijit Kumar Nath were also present during discussion.

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