Six rebel organizations of the Northeast jointly call for total ban on India’s Independence Day celebration in West Eastern South East Asia (WESEA) Region.

In a press release, the organizations called for total shutdown of the entire region for 11 hours, that is from 6 am to 5 pm on August 15 this year.

They also call upon all people of this region to take responsibilities to make this ban success.

The six organizations are Assam and West Bengal based outfit organization Kamatapur Liberation Organization  (KLO), Karbi Anglong based organization People’s Democratic Council of Karbilongri  (PDCK), Manipur based Kangleipak Communist Party  (KCP), Tripura’s National Liberation Front of Twipra  (NLFT), Manipur’s Kanglei Yawol kanna Lup (KYKL) and Meghalaya based organisation Hynniutrep National Liberation Council  (HNLC).

In their joint press release the organizations said, “WESEA is a unique case in the totality of India. The peripheral rimland colonies are different from heartland India.”

“WESEA is more different. Wesean people’s craze for ruling political party of India is not a result of our emotional integration with mainland India,” it added.

“It is a product of the total economic dependence of WESEA on mainland India, which is the end-result of 70 years of planned machinations of military subjugation, political domination, economic emasculation, social dislocation, moral putrefaction, infantilization and dehumanization,” the release stated.

“Our reality is irrational. No human group can live and survive in the manner we live now. The degree of dependence we are surviving with is not natural for human beings. If it continues, our collective death is inevitable. If we are to survive and prosper, we must do away with this unnatural variety of economy prevailing in our region. This is the basic foundation to build up our national freedom movement on,” it also added.

“On the top of this, the proposition, that our association with India pushes us to hell, is proven to be politically correct beyond all doubt by the recent happenings during the covid-19 pandemic in the major metropolitan cities of India,” the state read.

“We, Weseans, were racially discriminated, spat upon, driven out of rented houses, refused to shop, to get medical treatment etc. Such acts were done, not by uneducated urchins, but by educated middle-aged middle-class people,” it said.

“Racial discrimination against the Mongoloid-looking people of WESEA has been prevalent for a long time in mainland India. But we are compelled to continue to bear the unbearable racial discrimination, as we are starved of employment and other opportunities in our own homelands,” it added.

“Our helplessness conditions us to be inured to such discrimination, as low caste Indians willingly accept inhuman oppression as the fruits of their own Karma. The heartland Indians cannot accept us, Mongoloids, as their own,” it also said.

“In their eyes, we are not more than another Nido Tania. Our land is, they claim, an integral part of their cherished Mother India, but our peoples are not a part of their ‘imagined community’. So, there is no plausible ground for us, Weseans, to celebrate the Independence Day of their Motherland. Our land is under alien occupation. Resistance is the only natural response to it,” it read.

“With a declared aim of liberating WESEA from Indian occupation, the entire WESEA region has resorted to armed struggle. In addition to armed struggle, peaceful non-cooperation is also a potent form of resistance,” it said.

“We, the undersigned representatives of our respective revolutionary organizations, declare to ban India’s Independence Day celebrations,” it also said.

“In order to actualize the ban, we call for total shut-down of the entire region for 11 hours, that is, from 6 AM to 5 PM of the day, the 15th August, 2020. We call upon all peoples of this occupied region to take responsibility to make this ban a success,” it further stated.