medical tourists
File photo of Indo-Myanmar check point at Moreh.

Simmering tension prevailed along Indo-Myanmar border in Moreh of Manipur even on Thursday following a confusion arising from an anti-drug drive conducted by Anti-Drugs Abuse Campaign Committee (ADACC), Moreh on September 17 last.

Members of ADACC, Moreh were pelted with stones at No Man’s Land while conducting an anti-drug drive as part of its on-going movement against illicit drug trafficking and abuse.

In an attempt to apprehend some drug users who were caught in the act of using drugs, citizens of Myanmar residing near the No Man’s Land started pelting stones resulting in injuries to members of the committee.

The situation deteriorated when Myanmarese army personnel arrested a member of ADACC and further complications ensued when both sides resorted to heavy pelting of stones at one another.

Members of the anti-drug committee, in retaliation against the arrest of one of its member, also apprehended two Myanmarese nationals from Moreh town and kept them in their custody.

Upon receiving reports, a team of Moreh police personnel comprising DSP of Moreh, Thomas Thokchom along with the OCs of Moreh Police and CDO, Moreh rushed to the spot to control the situation.

Personnel of 11 Assam Rifles, Moreh also rushed to the spot to diffuse tension.

Later, talks between the state police and the Myanmarese army were held at the Myanmar Immigration Office located Moreh Gate number 2 in the presence of the immigration officer.

The issue subsided with the eventual exchange of the apprehended individuals by both sides at Nanphalon Immigration Gate.

Later, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between the two parties who had agreed to ensure that no such incidents occur in the future.