To improve the socio-economic standards of the people living with various disabilities, the Department of Social Justice, Empowerment & Welfare of Sikkim distributed incentives to differently-abled persons, NGOs working in the field of Disabilities and Prevention of Alcoholism and Substances (Drug) Abuse and Marriage with Disabled Person here at the Conference Hall, Lumsey on Wednesday.

Sikkim Minister for Social Justice, Empowerment & Welfare Department, Tulsi Devi Rai was present at the event as the Chief Guest.

Minister Rai stated that the endeavour was to help differently-abled couples ease their lives in the mainstream society, and enable them to lead a life of happiness and dignity and to stimulate and sustain economic growth by using this cash award.

She added that the State government has been working tirelessly for the welfare of society and differently-abled persons.

It was informed that under Marriage with Disabled Person scheme, 42 couples were  honoured by Social Justice, Empowerment and Welfare Department for setting an example in the society.

Minster Rai appreciated the efforts of NGOs for taking care of homeless old-aged persons, beggars and making Sikkim as beggar-Free State. Minister Rai congratulated and thanked these NGOs for their contribution in the society.

A total of 20 couples from all four districts of Sikkim received the cheque of Rs 2 lakh under Marriage with Disabled Persons scheme.

Besides that, 9 different NGOs received grant aid of Rs 2 lakh, who are working in the field of Disabilities and Prevention of Alcoholism and Substances (Drug) Abuse in the State.

During the programme, the Department also distributed pressure cookers to 19 senior citizens.