Sikkim Chief Minister PS Golay has directed the Director General of Sikkim Police (DGP) A Shankar Rao to initiate drug tests of all police personnel in the State.

As per the directions of Sikkim Chief Minister PS Golay, all police personnel in the State will undergo the compulsory drug test and those failing it will lose their jobs.

“A compulsory drug test will be conducted for all police personnel of Sikkim and anyone found to be using drugs will be retired from service,” Sikkim Chief Minister PS Golay said.

The compulsory drug test of police personnel in Sikkim has been ordered by the Chief Minister following growing concerns over drug usage by police personnel in the Himalayan State.

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“Many police personnel in Sikkim have been found to be using drugs,” PS Golay said.

The Sikkim Chief Minister added, “The State Government vouches for a vigilant police force. This drug test will discourage them in further usage of drugs.”

Earlier, Sikkim Chief Minister PS Golay had stated that in a bid to convert Sikkim into a drugs-free State, it would punish any State Government employee, including police personnel, if found involved in drugs.

“Not only police personnel, any government employee found involved in drugs will be sent on compulsory retirement,” he said.

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This decision of compulsory drug test for police personnel in Sikkim follows biggest ever drugs haul in the State, in which an Assistant Sub-Inspector was arrested for his alleged role.