baichung bhutia
Baichung Bhutia

GANGTOK: Hamro Sikkim Party (HSP) president Baichung Bhutia has demanded Sikkim Chief Minister P S Golay to give straight answers on the Article 371F-related issues following the Finance Act 2023.

In a press statement Friday, the HSP president said the Chief Minister is again trying to do some face-saving act in public after ‘accepting the fact’ that the ‘Sikkimese’ definition has been diluted in the April 10 Assembly resolution.

“Golay should watch all my press conferences and statements made after he got the ‘Sikkimese’ definition diluted with his masters in BJP in Delhi.

Also read: Baichung Bhutia to be named coach for Sikkim in the upcoming Santosh Trophy

“He will understand how after 10-15 years the people who will come to Sikkim for availing of income tax exemption will make this exception, Supreme Court judgment and Article 14 have ground to seek exemption for jobs and other rights including land purchase.

“This dilution of the ‘Sikkimese’ definition has opened Pandora’s box,” Baichung’s statement read.

Stating that Sikkim Chief Minister is busy spinning the ‘Sikkimese’ term dilution, Baichung demanded straight answers on questions that emerge from the government resolution adopted on April 10.

If the ‘Sikkimese’ definition is not diluted, then why minister KN Lepcha said on the floor of the House that the two new groups (clauses v and vi of the Finance Act) of individuals do not fall under the ‘Sikkimese’ definition as mentioned in the Government of Sikkim Act 1974?, questioned the HSP president.

He also questioned why the government said the amendment in section 10 (26AAA) has ‘deeply hurt’ the sentiments of the people of Sikkim and has created apprehension that definition of ‘Sikkimese’ term has been diluted.

Baichung also posed questions on other points made in the government resolution related to the ‘Sikkimese’ term.

He maintained that Sikkim under the SKM government has witnessed political violence against opposition workers and highlighted the recent attack on ex-serviceman and JAC general secretary Keshav Sapkota.