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Both Chinese and Indian soldiers received minor injuries in a face-off along the disputed India-China boundary in north Sikkim on Saturday.

The Indian Express reported that People’s Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers and the Indian Army personnel confronted each other near the Naku La sector, ahead of Muguthang.

“There was a display of aggressive behaviour and soldiers on both sides sustained minor injuries in the face-off,” The Indian Express added.

It further added the face-off ended after the two armies communicated between them at the local level.

“The face-off was “temporary and short duration” in nature and was not a stand-off. Such incidents occur wherever there are some unresolved boundary issues, but this was after a long time,” The Indian Express further reported.

It may be mentioned here that the face-off came after almost three years after the 73-day long Doklam stand-off between India and China.

Naku La is a pass in North Sikkim at an altitude of more than 5,000 metres above Mean Sea Level.