Union Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati on Friday visited the ongoing construction site of Pakyong Airport.

The union minister took detailed stock of the progress of work at the Terminal Building, the runway and bay area, and the Air Traffic Control Tower. The minister was briefed about the present status of progress by General Manager, Engineering cum Project head, Pakyong Airport, Gautam Biswas, and Director, Operations, Manjunathan R.

Union civil avistion minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju inspecting Pakyong airport in Sikkim.

According to them, the 40 metre stretch from the runway central line at hill side has been cleared by cutting and excavating the mud and boulders. A clearance from the Director General of Civil Aviation, the regulatory authority for safety norms, would mean that the airport would be ready and functional.

They further informed that technical help has been sought from IIT Kharagpur to strengthen the slope through bolting or any other suitable technology.

Civil aviation minister expressed satisfaction at the present status of the project and maintained that the government of India would extend all possible support to ensure early completion of the project.