Bhaichung Bhutia
HSP vice-president Bhaichung Bhutia along with other party members posing for a photograph at Gangtok. Image - Northeast Now

Hamro Sikkim Party (HSP) will be announcing its party president on Thursday.

This was decided in the meeting of central executive committee of the party at the residence of HSP vice president Bhaichung Bhutia in Gangtok on Tuesday.

The day-long meeting has discussed various issues of the party.

A HSP press release informed that the meeting has finalized plans and procedures in accordance with the provisions in the party constitution for electing the president of the party in a free and fair, and democratic manner.

The meeting also decided to hold the election on Thursday and announce the president the same day.

The meeting has also designated seven members of the CEC to form a committee to foresee and conduct negotiations with other parties. The meeting has also directed the aforesaid committee to be open to any opposition party as long as they agree in principle to four issues, on which the Hamro Sikkim Party cannot compromise.

It is informed that these four issues are the restoration of seats for the Sikkimese of Nepali origin as well as the removal of the immigrant tag for this community, immediate allotment of reserved seats for the Limboo and Tamang communities as per the order of the Supreme Court, immediate declaration of tribal status for the remaining 11 left out communities as per the provisions of article 371F of the Constitution and urgent and decisive action against the massive corruption in Sikkim and to work tirelessly towards making ours a corruption free state.

Sagar Chhetri is Northeast Now Correspondent in Gangtok. He can be reached at: [email protected]