Representative image.

In view of the ensuing parliamentary election, the district election officer of East Sikkim district, Kapil Meena held a meeting with sector officers and magistrates of the district on Thursday at the conference hall of deputy commissioner’s office.

This was stated in an official press release.

During the meeting, the DEO asked the sector magistrates to visit all the respective designate areas of East district so as to ensure proper implementation of Model Code of Conduct (MCC).

Meena sought for smooth coordination between sector officers, sector police officers, sub-sector police officers and staffs for proper coordination and cooperation. The officials were also asked to respond instantly to complaints received through phone calls or in written form.

The sector magistrates are also required to update assured minimum facilities at polling stations and work as overall in-charge for all Election activities in the respective sectors.

Earlier, ADC (east) Bharani Kumar spoke in detail about the various roles and responsibilities of sector magistrates during pre-poll, poll eve and poll day for the entire election process. He mainly focused on the guidelines laid by the Election Commission of India (ECI) which includes the duties of Sector Magistrates after the MCC is in place.

Bharani explained each and every step of the polling process do’s and don’ts and asked all sector Magistrates to ensure smooth election on April 11 next month.

The meeting was followed by hands on training of EVMs and VVPATs so as to accustom them in preparation for the polling day, the release added.