p s golay oath taking
File image of Sikkim chief minister P S Golay

Sikkim chief minister P S Golay has appealed to the people of the State to resort to reduce, re-use and re-cycle practices and manage natural resources efficiently and make this a habit and way of life in the State.

Also read: Sikkim to observe July 7 as ‘A Day for Mother Earth’

In his message on the occasion of ‘A Day for Mother Earth,’ being observed across the State on Sunday, the chief minister said the State Government has come up with the novel idea of dedicating a day for Mother Earth on July 7 every year as a permanent feature.

The day is also coinciding with the closing day of Van Mahotsav Week.

“Amidst our daily busy schedule, let each one of us spare some time during this event to dedicate our green good deeds to the Mother Earth by contributing in whatever small ways possible,” Golay stated in a message, according to reports.

“Every living being on Earth has a role to play in maintaining the ecological balance. We humans are, however, more responsible for tackling the global threat of climate change that has taken alarming proportions,” he added.

“It calls for our positive action which is the need of the hour to safeguard future generations.  Clean and healthy environment starts from our homes,” the chief minister added in his message.

“Hence, it is the bounden duty and responsibility of every citizen to be all aware and conscious and environmental issues and that we should put green ideas into action,” Golay further said.

During the Van Mahotsav, Golay appealed to the people to clean and beautify the neighborhood, plant native saplings, resort to eco-friendly lifestyles and create low carbon footprints.

He requested all the environment friendly citizens of Sikkim, government departments/agencies not to ply any vehicles (except emergency vehicles like ambulance, police, fire services etc) for seven minutes form 11 AM to 11.07 AM on Sunday as part of an affirmative action towards ameliorating the deteriorating environmental effects.