Khasi women
Khasi women. Photo credit - The Hindu

The Seng Khasi Kmie has left it to the State Government over the decision on the Khasi Hills Autonomous District (Khasi Social Custom of Lineage) (Second Amendment) Bill, 2018, and said that the Bill was neither privy nor consulted with the organization before sending it to the Meghalaya Governor.

The Bill sought to strip off the Schedule Tribe status of Khasi women who marry non-Khasi men besides their offspring born out of such marriage.

In a statement issued on Saturday, Seng Khasi Kmie general secretary, PD Nongrum recalled that during the drafting of the Principal Act of the KHAD (Khasi Social Custom of Lineage) Act, 1997, the organization was privileged to have been part and parcel in offering its views and opinions to the realization of the Act.

“In this case, the Seng Khasi Kmie, leaves this Amendment Bill to the decision of the State Government and expresses its readiness and willingness to provide suggestions as and when the State Government requests,” the Seng Khasi said.

It may be mentioned that Meghalaya Governor Ganga Prasad has reportedly assured that he would consult with the Meghalaya Government and the Ministry of Home Affairs before giving his assent to the Khasi Hill Autonomous District (Khasi Social Custom of Lineage) (Second Amendment) Bill, 2018.

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