Hanif Khan Shastri

Dolong, a socio-cultural organization based in Guwahati is going to organize an Eid Mehfil titled ‘Senehor Mehfil’ at Lakhidhar Bora Kshetra in Guwahati on Saturday.

Renowned Sanskrit scholar and recipient of national Communal Harmony award 2009, Mohammed Hanif Khan Shastri will grace the occasion as the chief guest.

Dolong (meaning Bridge in Assamese) is an organization that connects and facilitates communication and the Mehfil is organized to further strengthen the bond of love among the humankind irrespective of cast creed and religion.

“DOLONG strives to build bridges between strangers in order to connect people. Mankind has different skin colour, lives in different countries, speaks different languages, practices different religions, has difference of opinions and has different beliefs,” said Rajib Bhattacharyya, convener of the Dolong

“Mankind has disparities between the rich and the poor, the ruler and the ruled, the first world and the third world. These differences and disparities give rise to conflicts that have anthropological, social, historical, political, economical and other reasons,” he said adding that Dolong’s endeavour is to connect so that exchange of ideas can take place in order to understand the realities of the conflicts which will help to find ways to resolve conflicts.