Conserve fuel
Representative image

Intune with the rest of the country’s secondary sector, both public and private, a month long agenda of the Oil and Gas Conservation programme under the title ‘Sankarshan Kshamta Mahotsav 2018’ that commenced earlier on January 16, 2018 under the aegis Oil India Limited, Eastern Asset Digboi concluded in Digboi on Thursday evening in a befitting manner with a valedictory programme organized at the Luit Silpi Samaj, Digboi.

The concluding ceremony of the month-long agenda of the said mahotsav was attended by host of dignitaries from various walks of life including Manash Sarmah, the Asset Manager in-charge of Digboi Eastern Asset who was also the chairman of the organizing committee.

Among others who attended the programme included Dilip Kumar Goswami, the Service Manager, D Chowlu, the DGM, Production & Gas, Ramesh Chandra Das, DGM (MSO) and A Bora, DGM Administration on the dais.

The dignitaries presented valuable speeches on objectives and significance of the day with various illustrations, national and international statistics on renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and its consumption and production.

A prize distribution ceremony was also held to adequately reward the deserving participants including the students and the employees for the competitions organized for different categories during the celebration period.

Addressing the gathering,  Manash Sharma and RC Das  reiterated that oil and natural gas which contribute well to the economy of the nation needs urgent conservation by adopting  scientific means, exploring the alternatives to oil and gas and finally using the available resource judiciously so that the coming generation might avail the optimum benefits in the days to come.

The speakers with some of the vita data and statistics on the contribution of agricultural and textile sector towards the GDP simultaneously the import of petroleum and natural gas consuming half of the country’s wealth urged the house to look for the alternative sources of energy and conserve the available resources which is the only way to enhance sustainability.

“India has emerged as the fourth largest energy consumer of the world,” said Sharma while underlining the need to create awareness and educate the people including the rural population on energy conservation that has the potentiality to contribute to the growth of economy.

Urging the gathering including the housewives and school children to realize the fast depleting natural resources, Das highlighted the diminishing potentiality of the existing limited resources to feed the present generation.

He also presented convincing fact and figures along with a comparative study with the Russia and USA in terms of rich energy deposits and adoption of alternate sources , its production, consumption and saving aspects in other developed nations.

He also emphasized on energy conservation and its judicious utilization with alternative sources like solar and uranium to generate power.

“Meaningful exploration, adequate production and judicious utilization of oil and natural gas resources besides contributing to national growth has been the sole aim of observing the significant day across the length and breath to realize the objectives with mass involvement and mobilization of the newer generation to realize the end,” added Dilip Kumar Goswami while talking to NorthEast Now.

As such, to realise the end and download the message of the significant occasion, various activities including awareness, cycle race, drawing, essay and debate, open speech competitions were held during the celebration period which kicked off following the unfurling of the flag earlier on January 16 at the premises of the Eastern Asset, Digboi.

Competitions were held among the students of various schools and colleges in and around Digboi as well the employees and the dependents of the Oil India Limited to generate awareness, sense of involvement in the process and to take forward the message on the importance of the conservation of oil and natural gas for a better tomorrow.