Renowned rheumatologist Dr Ved Chaturvedi has been awarded highest award by Indian Rheumatology Association.

The renowned Delhi based Rheumatologist was rewarded highest award by Indian Rheumatology Association in its annual meeting at Guwahati on Friday.

Chaturvedi was Medical chief of Indian Army before joining prestigious Sir Gangaram Hospital. He also served as Director of army base hospital in Guwahati. His services would be remembered by Assam as he worked tirelessly during Gauhati serial bomb blast in 2008.

He received the award for many years of scientific and administrative services to Rheumatology science in country. He has various first to his credit at country level including pioneering joint ultrasound, and newer drugs called Biologics for Arthritis diseases.

He is known for his research in treatment of many type of Arthritis. Association is hosting its annual scientific meeting first time in Gauhati.

The Award was presented during inaugural ceremony on December 7. Ceremony was attended by  president of American college of Rheumatology and  president of Asia Rheumatology society .