Shurhozelie Leizeitsu and TR Zeliang (right) both of whom were former Chief Ministers during the DAN regime in Nagaland. Photo source - Internet

The Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDPP) has alleged that the previous Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) government had attempted to divert funds under the SRDP 2017-18.

In a statement on Wednesday, the NDPP, Media & Communication Committee, said it has now been exposed that the previous government had approved the release of the sanctioned amounts towards payment to contractors without either issuing any work order or submission of any progress report.

“The public funds were therefore released for payments to contractors without any work done which is a gross violation of government norms and serious violation of laid down rules,” the statement said.

Questioning under whose direction or pressure this was done, the party sought to know why public funds were sanctioned for payment to contractors without following procedures for budgeted funds “without any work done and in violation of all norms”.

In case of any lapses on the part of the department in following the laid down rules and procedures under the previous government, the NDPP called for an independent and unbiased investigation. It also sought necessary disciplinary actions against those people guilty of such “gross malpractices” which exposes the “misuse of power and government machinery” by the then DAN government at the cost of the public.

The NDPP also appreciated the Public Works Department (R&B) for bringing to light the actual facts of the matter regarding the alleged attempt to divert funds under SRDP 2017-18. The party expressed gratitude to the department, saying it followed all the laid down procedures in a transparent manner towards according necessary administrative approval and sanctioning of the revised list of works.