Mamata Banerjee
File picture of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

Expressing annoyances over West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee‘s disorderly comments against the updating process of National Register of Citizens (NRC) which is going on under the directive of Supreme Court of India, the Patriotic People’s Front Assam (PPFA) urged everyone to exercise restraint while commenting on NRC update in Assam.

The organisation also urged Banerjee to honour the apex court.

Also read: One more case filed against Mamata Banerjee over comments on NRC

The organisation, at the same time, appreciated the people of Assam for their political maturity that they have shown while many divisive forces have tried to divide the greater Assamese society in the linguistic and religious lines.

“Denouncing all kind of speculation, floated by various local, national and international elements about impending disturbance & violence after the publication of final NRC draft, the habitants of Assam have shown utmost sensitivity,” said a statement issued by the PPFA.

But contrary to the restraint and greatness of the greater Assamese society, few political party leaders, including West Bengal Chief minister Mamata Bannerjee, have tried their best to garner political mileages out of it, it stated, adding, “The Trinamool Congress chief even did not hesitate to make comments indirectly disobeying the SC for personal gains.”

It may be noted that Banerjee has influenced a number of opposition political parties to raise voice against the NRC update in Assam and the Parliament witnessed uproars. She went on speaking that the Bhartiya Janata Party-led Governments in New Delhi and Dispur were hatching “conspiracies against the Bengali (read Muslim) people of Assam”. She even predicted colossal disturbances after the NRC draft publication, but later simply changed her version.

Urging Mamata to maintain due honour to the SC, the PPFA argued that she should take the lead in compiling a comprehensive NRC (as many Kolkata-based politicians are demanding now) for the whole country based on 1951 and in need she may ask for necessary expertise from Assam, as the State has successfully completed the final draft of NRC under the guidance of the apex court.