Congratulating the 1st year ANM & GNM trainees of Health Training & Research Centre (HTRC), Pasighat on the occasion of the lamp lighting and pledge taking ceremony on Friday, Joint Director of Health Services (Training & Research),Pasighat, Dr D Raina said ‘nurses play key responsible role in healthcare.

While attending the lamp lighting and pledge taking ceremony as the Chief Guest, Dr Raina said the dedication and discipline the nurses show during the training period will later be very helpful in providing the best of nursing service to patients and humankind in their noble profession.

“Nurses are the backbone of the hospitals and health centres as your services are required 24X7 and vital in the speedy recovery of patients,” Dr Raina emphasized.

The lamp lighting and pledge taking ceremony of the 1st year students of the 47th batch of ANM and 4th batch of GNM of HTRC, Pasighat was held in the auditorium of the BPGH &TC, Pasighat.

“The skills and knowledge that you acquire will surely help you in attending to patients in critical situations in saving precious human lives in your posting places and later on when you may be needed at times to take full responsibility,” Dr Raina told the nursing students .

Dr Raina stressed on the importance of dress code, which is required for all ranging from doctors, authorities, nurses, paramedical staff and all other categories in hospitals and training institutes.

The Joint Director also stressed on giving due importance to sanitation and cleanliness in the course curriculum, which are also important factor for recovery of patients in promotion of healthcare.

Dr Raina dwelt on the role of faculty members (Sister tutors) in guiding them and asked the students to learn from their tutors with sincerity.

Earlier, the Medical Superintendent, BPGH& TC, Pasighat, Dr YR Darrang, who attended the function as the Guest of Honour, called upon the nursing students to follow the path of Florence Nightingale who dedicated her life to the service of mankind and asked them to give the same commitment and dedication in their training period and service life. Dr Darrang asked them to keep on upgrading their skills as learning being a continuous process.

Matron Y Zirdo, who attended the programme as Special Guest, also advised the nursing students on maintaining discipline like proper uniform and hoped that the students would  rise up to the expectations in all aspects during their training period. She also gave inputs for making their learning process and syllabus holistic.

The Principal of the Govt ANM School, HTRC, Pasighat, Bamin Yaje, urged the student that in their service life, saying that they must be guided by the pledge/oath of Nightingale to serve the mankind and always work hard to contribute to the prestige of Nursing profession. Terming the occasion of pledge taking by the nursing students as very significant and as formal initiation into the nursing profession, she said they have great responsibility in saving the life of fellow human beings.

Earlier, Sister Tutor, Neeliam Bangsia, Govt School of Nursing (GNM), HTRC, Pasighat administered the Nightingale pledge to the trainee nurses, while Onam Yirang, Sister Tutor, ANM School of Nursing, highlighted the symbolical value of lamp lighting as a tribute to Florence Nightingale, the Lady with the Lamp, adding that lamp lighting is to signify that nurses will also provide comfort and light in place of darkness for the patients.

The vote of thanks was extended by the Vice-Principal, GSN(GNM), HTRC, Aruna Chaudhuri.

Doctors of BPGH including District Leprosy Officer Dr Tarik Talom, District Tuberculosis Officer, Dr Y Perme, Dr J Taloh ,faculty members, staff members among others also attended the pledge taking ceremony.

Cultural performances on themes of cleanliness and other healthcare issues were also presented by the trainee nurses, stated a government press communique.

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