NSCN-K camp
File photo of an NSCN(K) camp in Myanmar. Image credit - Burma News International

The NSCN (IM) has strongly condemned the military offensive launched by Myanmar Army (Tatmadaw) against the NSCN (K) in the neighbouring country.

Condemning the Tatmadaw’s military action, the NSCN (IM) said the aggression on Naga territory in the guise of flushing out other armed groups is a naked and deliberate violation of human rights.

“What is happening in Nagalim areas in Myanmar at the hands of the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) is a matter of serious concern for NSCN,” the outfit said in a statement.

It accused the Indian security forces of coordinating with the Myanmar army for the “diabolic and outrageous” military action.

The rebel group said the chaotic situation created by the Tatmadaw’s offensive has destabilized the livelihood of the Naga villagers and the Naga people are made to bear the brunt of the Tatmadaw onslaught.

The NSCN (IM) urged the Myanmar government to take cognizance of the “historical and political rights of the Nagas” and go for peaceful means, saying that neither India nor Myanmar is an enemy of the Nagas.

Myanmar army on May 16 launched a fresh operation against the NSCN-K near Hoyat and Laonyu village along India-Myanmar border.

Two civil society organisations–the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) and the Naga Mothers’ Association (NMA) –besides NNC (Parent Body of NSCN) – have also expressed concern at the armed offensive by the Myanmar Army (Tatmadaw) against the NSCN (K).

The organisations issued separate statements on Monday, calling for restraint and honouring the regional-level ceasefire initiated by the Myanmar government with the NSCN (K) in April 2012.

The FNR affirmed its commitment to the principle of promoting a people-based peace process and implored the Myanmar government to enable the intervention of Naga community leaders, humanitarian aid and human rights workers based on accepted international principles.

It viewed that the armed confrontation between the Myanmar Army and NSCN (K) is “buttressed by regional national security interests”, adding it should not sabotage the mental, economic and physical wellbeing of innocent Naga civilians.

The forum said it continues to stand for a culture of peace and respect for human rights. It appealed for avoiding armed confrontation, torture and harassment of people and destruction of properties in civilian inhabited areas.

The NMA said it is the unarmed population whose lives and property are endangered through such violent incidents.

The poor villagers bear the brunt and trauma of such warfare and conflicts, the mothers said.

They appealed to the Burmese authority, the Tamadaw, the NSCN (K) and the Indian army on the borders to ensure that initiatives for peace are upheld for the sake of the people.

“Let there be recognition of rights and peace through dialogues for even our North east brothers and not through the barrel of guns,” it said.

The NNC (parent body) condemned the Myanmar army’s attack on the NSCN (K) and the Indian Army for allegedly sealing the border with Myanmar and imposing curfew.

“The innocent public are made to suffer immensely because of the fight in the area, especially the old, women and children who are made to run to different places in the jungle,” it said.

The group appealed to the Naga people to pray for protection of “our people” in the area.

Myanmar army carried out similar offensives against Northeinsurgents, particularly NSCN (K) and ULFA since January this year.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]