The onset of monsoon is the slowest this season in last 12 years.

According to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), the delayed onset of monsoon is because of the cyclone Vayu that has stalled rains across the country. As a result the entire Northeast along with several parts of the country are reeling under immense heat with soaring temperature making life miserable.

However, according to reports, in the next three to four days, the monsoon is expected to cover entire Northeast and Tamil Nadu further moving to Karnataka, some parts of Konkan and Goa and then to Andhra Pradesh, Bengal and Odisha.

This year’s monsoon has currently reached only 10 to 15 per cent of the country as compared to two-thirds in previous years.

This has resulted in the rainfall deficit of around 44 per cent.

Though it has entered the Northeast, the strength is far less to cause rainfall leading to a continous dry spell.

According to IMD officials, the monsoon this year is around 15 days behind schedule.

The movement of the monsoon depends on the formation of low pressure systems over the Bay of Bengal, but this year no such low pressure has formed so far to cause the monsoon to speed up and cause rainfall in the region.