A glimpse of the inaugural ceremony of national seminar in Manipur University on March 21, 2018. Photo: Sobhapati Samom

A three-day national seminar on Northeast India and Myanmar: Revisiting Cultural and Civilizational Connections began at Manipur University on Wednesday. The seminar has been jointly organised by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata and Department of History, Manipur University.

The seminar was inaugurated by Manipur Arts & Culture Minister L Jayantakumar Singh.

Speaking on the occasion, Jayantakumar Singh highlighted the prestigious awards and achievements won by artistes of Manipur in the field of Art and Culture in Northeast India. He said the seminar will open a new chapter.

In his presidential speech Prof AP Pandey said, “This seminar is for the development of India and Myanmar and also for Southeast Asian countries as a whole. From the time immemorial, there has been good relationship between India and its neighbouring countries.”  He also proposed to have one centre of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies at the History Department of Manipur University.

Outlining the concept and the sub-themes of the seminar, Prof L Kunjeswori Devi, Head, Department of History, Manipur University said Northeast India has played a crucial role for cultural cause and for the cultural community. The relation between Northeast and Myanmar has remained an important aspect, she added.

Prof N Joykumar Singh and Dr H Sudhirkumar Singh, Seminar Coordinator,Manipur University  also spoke on the occasion.