Bajali college

The National Science day was celebrated in Bajali College, on February 28. It was organized by Assam Science Society of Bajali College in collaboration with Prakriti- EK prasesta (Eco club), IQAC, education cell and BCSU of Bajali college.

The theme of the program was ‘Science and Technology for sustainable future’.

Various programe like cleanliness of college campus by the members of science society and Prakriti Ek Prasesta (Eco Club) and college flag hoisting by Dr Manoj Kumar Mahanta, Principal of Bajali college and President of Science society, Bajali branch.

Tree plantation was done by Ananda Khataniar President of Green Mission and Nagen Choudhary  of Seuji Dhara, Bajali. The teacher and students paid tribute to Lieutenant Ananta Mohan Sarma, ex-Secretary, Bajali Science society and Tarun Chandra Haloi, ex- Secretary, Bajali science society. Students from Gilbert English Medium School, Sankar Dev Sishu Nikatan School, Sikhapith Adarsha School of Pathsala town also took part in the programe.

In the meeting Dr. Manoj Kumar Mahanta, Principal of the college delivered a speech on the ‘Use of science and technology for sustainable future’. While, Apurba Talukdar, Asst professor delivered a speech on the contribution of CV Raman and Raman effect.

Chandana Sarma,  Vice Principal of the college spoke about the use of basic science in day to day life. She explained how Science is creating wonders almost every day. “The things that we use in our daily life are mostly due to science. The use of technology is increasing day by day, we all depend on technology, and we use various technologies to accomplish specific tasks in our lives”, she added.

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