Rally in Tamenglong
View of a rally taken out by Nagas in Tamenglong of Manipur. Image - Twitter

Several Naga organizations under the aegis of the United Naga Council (UNC) carried out a massive rally in the district headquarters of Tamenglong in Manipur on Tuesday demanding settlement of the Indo-Naga political issue.

The organizations, which organized the rally, included Inpui Naga Union, Liangmai Naga Council (LNC), Rongmei Naga Council and Zeme Naga Council.

The rally was also reportedly joined by members of the United Naga Council (UNC) and Naga Women Union (NWU).

Later a memorandum was submitted by the leaders of the agitating organizations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi through the Deputy Commissioner of Tamenglong district.

It may be mentioned that a public meeting at Apollo Bazar reaffirmed the August 23, 2018 ‘joint declaration’ of Naga Hoho and the UNC made in Senapati.

The public meeting then appealed to all the “Naga political groups and Naga peoples to rise above regionalism, tribalism, factionalism and individualism and to stand unitedly for the common Naga national solution”.

Addressing a large gathering, Gaidon Kamei, president of the UNC, while saying that the Indo-Naga peace talk is in advanced stage, appealed to the Naga people to get united and continue to support the Naga peace process so that the Naga political issue is resolved at an early date.

The president of Naga Women Union (NWU), Asha Wungnam reportedly urged the Naga people living in Manipur not to lose courage due to delay in the ongoing Naga peace process.

Urging the gathering to continue support towards the Naga political peace process, Wungnam said that there might be always differences in the society, but those issues of difference should be amicably settled.