File photo of the leaders of Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs). Image - Northeast Now

The Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) on Wednesday said it has been agreed that a clause in the final agreement on resolution of the Naga issue would mention the Naga flag and constitution as prime symbolic issue.

The NNPGS said it will pursue the issue post solution through continuous political and democratic process.

The media cell of the NNPGs working committee, in a statement said the government of India reiterated its position on the two symbolic issues clearly.

The working committee and the government of India have come to an understanding that the Naga flag and constitution are indispensable to the Naga people, said the group.

However, the committee said their cultural usage is one thing and political usage another.

It said the government of India is aware that the “Agreed Position”, signed on November 17, 2017, by its very content implies that the flag and constitution are within it.

“There is no ambiguity,” it said.

The NNPGs alongside the NSCN (IM) held hectic parleys with the Centre’s interlocutor for Naga talks RN Ravi in New Delhi on Tuesday to ink the final agreement on the Naga issue.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]