NSCN (IM) chairman Q. Tuccu
NSCN (IM) chairman Q. Tuccu addressing the 73rd Naga Independence Day celebration at Camp Hebron near Dimapur. (File image) Northeast Now

The NSCN (IM) on Sunday said the leaders of the working committee (WC) of Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) presented themselves as a “confused bunch of people” by disconnecting themselves from Naga political history as a nation during talks with the government of India.

The outfit in a statement issued by its ministry of information and publicity alleged they (NNPGs) are easily manipulated when sitting across the table negotiating in the name of Naga political solution and become “yes man” for all practical purpose.

“This is the tragic fate of WC, NNPGs, today negotiating with government of India in the name of Naga political solution,” it said.

The outfit said when the “painful reality” gets exposed, it became a matter of “shame” and “disgrace” for the Nagas because there are forces at work waiting to exploit this absurdity on the part of some so-called Naga leaders claiming to be talking with the government of India on Naga political solution.

This is what is happening now at the hands of the confused lot of people who are heading the WC, NNPGs, but speaking in contrasting tone, it added.

The NSCN (IM) referred to a recent interview of Alezo Venuh, the emissary to the collective leadership of the Kitovi-Neokpao faction of NSCN, with Al Jazeera international news channel.

It said when asked about the Naga constitution, Venuh came up with the most “abominable answer”, “Unless a country or nation is declared as a nation, how can you have a constitution”.

On the other hand, N. Kitovi Zhimomi, the chairman of the Kitovi-Neokpao faction of NSCN and convenor of the working committee of NNPGs, rubbished the existence of Naga constitution and said it can be drafted after signing the agreement for Naga solution, the NSCN-IM said.

It expressed surprise that these same leaders WC, NNPGs, are saying to the media that flag and constitution is an integral part of the negotiations.

The NSCN-IM said any layman on the street would be able to know if WC, NNPGs, had done anything of hard negotiation with the government of India representative and interlocutor R.N. Ravi other than being made to listen attentively on the so-called “economic package” in the waiting in the name of Naga political solution.

“Visibly, they have argued that it should be for the Nagas of Nagaland only. This is the picture today in the hands of WC, NNPGs, negotiating in the name of Naga political solution,” the release said.

The NSCN-IM viewed this as a milestone for them (NNPGs) as they are in damning hurry to sign the agreement anytime soon.

“This is the manner of price they want to pay for the hundreds of thousands of Nagas who died in the name of Naga freedom,” it said.

However, the NSCN-IM said, the true revolutionary patriots will continue to uphold the national trust and our glorious history.

“We will never walk down the path of capitulated peace,” it added.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]