NSCN-IM cadres
File photograph of NSCN(IM) cadres. Image credit – Subhamoy Bhattacharjee

Phungting Shimrang, a senior member of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Isak-Muivah) (NSCN-IM) is reportedly in China and trying to convince Sino leadership to help their fight continue against India.

“Phungting and his two comrades reached China via eastern Nagaland in the second half of October,” reported News18 quoting a leader of the Yung Aung-led NSCN-Khaplang.

“The three leaders are trying to talk to the Chinese authorities for aid in their fight against India,” the report added.

The leader was further infomred that NSCN (IM) chief Anthony Shimray also left the outfit’s headquarters camp in Hebron and is staying in an undisclosed location along the India-Myanmar border.

“Over 3,000 cadres of the IM faction have been camping in the border areas since October,” News18 further reported quoting the leader.

During the Naga peace talks with several Naga groups, the Centre ruled out a separate flag and constitution for the Nagas as demanded by the NSCN (IM).

The union government made it clear that endless negotiations with the insurgent group under the shadow of guns are not acceptable to it.

“Centre is determined to conclude the decades-old peace process without further delay,” said Nagaland Governor RN Ravi, who is also India’s Naga peace process manager.

It was also informed by the leader that they were closely monitoring the movement and strategy of the IM leadership who have been camping across the border.

Even though the Centre set October 31 as the deadline for completing the Naga peace talks, however, it did not yield the desired result and the final talks between the Centre and Nagas are likely to stretch further.

“Expect nothing before Christmas,” informed government sources.

Even though the exact terms and conditions of the proposed agreement are yet to be known, however, government sources infomred that naga groups are demanding autonomy to the Nagas of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, and Manipur.

The Centre on Tuesday said that before coming to any final agreement, the governments of Arunachal, Assam, and Manipur will be consulted.