NSCN-IM chairman Tuccu
FIle image of NSCN (IM) chairman Q. Tuccu. Image: Northeast Now

The NSCN-IM reiterated that the recognition of the Naga national flag and constitution represent their national identity and it is absolutely a matter of Nagas’ right for an ‘honourable political solution’.

During an emergency joint council meeting on Thursday, the NSCN-IM decided to uphold the Framework Agreement signed with the government of India on August 3, 2015.

The emergency joint council meeting held at the council headquarters, Hebron, deliberated on the Indo-political talks.

After discussions, the meeting reaffirmed the decision of the Tatar Hoho (House of the MPs) on September 3, 2019, and the collective leadership on July 23, 2019, to uphold the August 3, 2015 Framework Agreement, the NSCN-IM said.

The meeting was attended by collective leadership, members of collective leadership, steering executive members, steering committee members, Kilonsers, Tatars, heads of the departments and Naga Army officials.

In a statement issued by the ministry of information & publicity of the outfit said: “That, the Naga national flag and constitution represent our national identity, and the recognition is absolutely a matter of Nagas’ right for an honorable political solution.”

Also read: Solution without Naga flag & constitution is inconclusive: NSCN-IM chairman

The outfit also stated, “That, the political solution shall be “Naga solution” of the Nagas wherever they are. Therefore, it is our bounden duty to uphold the unique history and sovereign rights of the Naga people that is in consonance with the historic 1951 plebiscite.”

The NSCN-IM also decided to uphold the mandate of the Naga people, given to NSCN on January 21, 2005, to conclude an honorable solution to the Indo-Naga political issue and the unification of all Naga areas.

NSCN-IM is currently under ceasefire with the Centre.

Regarding the Naga political talks, the outfit said, “the political talks between the Government of India (GoI) and NSCN must move forward in the spirit of mutual respect”.

While terming the policy of the central government as ‘double standard’, the outfit condemned the government for arresting its members.

Also read: One talk and one solution on Naga political issue: NSCN-IM

It cautioned the government of India from “using its agencies including National Investigation Agency (NIA) to arrest and harass the members of the NSCN who are in political negotiations with the GoI for the past twenty-two (22) years.”

However, it said the NSCN shall continue to endeavor to conclude an honourable political solution that is acceptable to the Naga people.