Countering Nagaland Governor and Centre’s interlocutor for Naga talks, RN Ravi’s statement, the NSCN (IM) on Wednesday said the Indo-Naga political talk teams are back on the table and the talks are progressing.

The NSCN (IM), in a release issued by its ministry of information and publicity, alleged that Ravi created “unnecessary confusion” with his “reckless statement” in the Nagaland Assembly recently that the Indo-Naga political talks have concluded.

“It is needless to say that in many points his statements and conclusions reflected his role as Nagaland Governor and not as Interlocutor,” the outfit said.

It lamented that Ravi’s role as interlocutor is “nothing less” than disparaging and dismal.

The NSCN said the historic Framework Agreement signed on August 3, 2015, is being brought back to live in order to remove any misinterpretation and hasten the signing of Naga solution agreement.

It added that the status of the Indo-Naga political talks that came up in the last Parliament session was confirmed by the Union Government that it is in advance stage.

“No doubt, this is the ground reality of the Indo-Naga political talk and NSCN talk team is leaving no stone unturned to safeguard the political identity of the Naga people,” it stated.

The NSCN said it was very unfortunate that Ravi had made such a “misleading statement” before the whole nation. It said he had blatantly contradicted the Government of India and the Indian Parliament besides the 136 crore Indians and the world community in sensitive Indo-Naga political negotiations which have been going on for more than two decades.

“In the matter of Naga political issue he should be cautious of every single word he uttered lest his credibility is damned,” it said.

The NSCN mentioned that the Indo-Naga political talk is being handled by both the parties to take the Naga people and the Government of India to the point that is honourable and acceptable.

This is the official understanding and the only way to conclude the talk, the outfit said.

The NSCN asserted that under no circumstances it will fail the Naga people and never sign any agreement that is short of the mutual standard as agreed upon.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]