Shurhozelie Liezietsu
NPF president Shurhozelie Liezietsu. File image credit - Bhadra Gogoi

The Opposition Naga People’s Front (NPF) on Wednesday said it will walk the extra mile to assist in any possible manner for a peaceful solution to the Indo-Naga political issue.

The party formed the Political Affairs Mission (PAM) recently after withdrawing from the Joint Legislators Forum (JLF) on Naga Political Issue.

In a statement issued by its press bureau, the NPF said being a responsible political party, it has played an active facilitator’s role since the inception of the party for the resolution of the Naga political issue.

It said it will continue to work with the same spirit so as to fulfil the aspirations of the Naga people.

The party said its decision to pull out from the JLF maybe a shocking political development for the ruling People’s Democratic Alliance (PDA).

However, the NPF, being a responsible party for which Naga political issue is one of the topmost priorities, has genuine reasons to withdraw from the membership of the JLF and work on its own as the JLF under the present government has no concrete plan to the Naga political issue.

The party reiterated that it has endorsed the withdrawal of its legislators from the JLF as the platform has failed to make any tangible progress towards the cause of the Indo-Naga political issue with the ruling PDA government paying less heed and has no proper road map towards the issue.

The NPF said with the formation of the JLF, it expected that the forum would carry forward the role of an active facilitator of the ongoing peace process.

However, the party lamented that the present government did not have confidence in its legislators.

“When there is a huge trust deficit in the JLF, the party has no point to remain in the joint forum but to work on its own for the betterment of the Naga people,” the statement said.

The NPF added it eagerly volunteered to be part of the JLF when it was formed with the hope to render its best service towards the Naga cause.

But the government of the day has miserably failed to carry forward its responsibility and instead took the Opposition party for a ride, the statement said.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]