The Global Naga Forum (GNF) has slammed the central government over its decision to ‘impose’ Hindi as a compulsory subject in schools in Nagaland and the other Northeast states.

GNF accused the BJP-led central government of trying to introduce a “Hindi-Hindu-centric national education in Nagaland and the whole of the Northeast”.

“…making Hindi compulsory is an intentional step in that direction,” the Global Naga Forum said in a statement on Monday.

It added: “…bringing Naga society in alignment with Hindu-India… was delayed under Indian Congress party rule, but has now been revived with passion by the BJP.”

Also read: Hindi compulsory subject up to Class 8: Nagaland govt

The Global Naga Forum has further claimed that the BJP-led central government is trying to end the “Naga existence”.

“The BJP’s current move will be the final phase, the beginning of the end, of Naga existence as a people,” the GNF stated.

It added: “GNF strongly opposes the imposition of Hindi in the state of Nagaland and the Naga homeland.”

The GNF said: “…current BJP government’s arbitrary decision to impose something like the teaching of Hindi on the eight states of the Northeast does not advance human excellence or respectful co-existence among the diverse linguistic and cultural groups India is known for.”

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“The decision has everything to do with the BJP’s vision of a monolithic Hindu-India and a RSS-driven “national culture”… Home Minister Shah’s effort is the latest version of the 1950s project of Hinduizing the Naga homeland, which is now being expanded to cover the whole of the Northeast,” the statement added.

“We therefore invite all Nagas, in the homeland and around the world, to ponder these two questions: Who are the Nagas? What are Nagas becoming?” the GNF said.

The GNF also condemned the continuation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in the Northeast saying that the region has become “a boot camp for the Indian Army”.

“…the AFSPA remains in place and the Naga homeland continues to be increasingly militarized. This is because, for Government of India, militarization of the northeast region has now acquired a function beyond the Naga issue,” the GNF further said.