All private hospitals in Nagaland’s Dimapur will now be reverted to non-Covid hospitals, with Covid-19 positivity rate showing a steady decline in the district.

However, the treatment of Covid-19 patients currently admitted in these private hospitals will continued as before.

This decision was taken at a joint meeting of Private Doctors Association (PDA), Dimapur with state nodal officer Y Kikheto Sema, Dimapur deputy commissioner Rajesh Soundararajan, commissioner of police Rothihu Tetseo, Dimapur chief medical officer I Moatemjen and Dimapur district public relation officer Lolano Patton on Monday.

New Covid-19 patients will be treated at the Christian Institute of Health Sciences and Research and Dimapur District Hospital, which will also be attending to non-Covid cases.

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Sema expressed appreciation and gratitude to all the frontline workers particularly the PDA and private hospitals for coming forward and rescuing the people of the state during a time of unprecedented crisis.

Soundarajan thanked the state nodal officer for personally visiting every hospital and having one-to-one discussion with them.

“The collective efforts of all have helped in breaking the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 virus,” Soundaranjan said.

Commissioner of police Tetseo acknowledged the tireless and sincere efforts of both the private and government doctors in bringing down the positivity rate in the district

Moatemjen on the other hand, advised the private hospitals to be prepared to deal with the third wave if it arrives.

PDA Victo A Wotsa said, “The private hospitals are willing to help the government in vaccinating the people free of cost if they are provided with the vaccines and other requirements.”

He also stressed on the need for a separate place for isolating doctors involved in treatment of Covid-19 patients.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]