NSCN (IM) rebels.

The NSCN (IM) on Tuesday accused the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) of misinterpreting the Framework Agreement.

It said the Nagaland Congress leaders are deliberately going blind to the political meaning of Framework Agreement to suit their own narrative to oppose Naga solution based on the agreement.

According to a statement issued by the ministry of information and publicity of the NSCN (IM), the State Congress leaders y deliberately close their eyes while studying the Framework Agreement and foul-mouthed that there is no mention of sovereignty in the agreement.

It made it clear that the political identity of the Naga people was well crafted in the Framework Agreement to give sovereign identity to the Nagas as supported by historical and political rights.

The outfit said the “blunders of history” like the 9-Point Agreement, 16-Point Agreement and Shillong Accord are all crafted not for Naga solution but to flatter and fatten a certain section of Nagas who still continue to enjoy the highest security and privileges from the Government of India for their service and loyalty at the cost of Naga people’s historical and political rights.

According to the NSCN, the Naga Congress leaders refused to learn any lesson from history and choose to continue with their obstinate behaviour to oppose the political contents of the Framework Agreement.

It added they signaled their inclination to forego anything to do with the Naga sovereign identity as clearly mentioned in the Framework Agreement and go for the solution for the people of Nagaland state only.

“We find this idea totally abhorrent as this reflects the Jawaharlal Nehru’s dehumanizing of Naga people’s political right,” the statement said.

It said this is not different from the same political stand taken by Nehru who chose to defile the political sanctity of the Naga people.

“No wonder the genesis of Naga people’s human rights violation and suffering started with Congress regime under Nehru who sent thousands of Indian security forces to forcefully occupy Nagalim,” it said.

The NSCN said the Indo-Naga history is like an open book where one can read the pages where political gaffe is prominently seen.

It asserted that it cannot afford to let the Nagas become a lost tribe. The journey that has begun more than decades back cannot be aborted midway under any circumstances, it said.

The NSCN said it is not going to succumb but stick to the Framework Agreement for the Naga solution despite the “dithering stand” of the Government of India.

It compared the complaints of NPCC that they want piecemeal solution and solution for the Nagas of Nagaland state only with the complaints of Israelites against Moses to go back to Egypt.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]