The working committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) in a statement denied any possibility of split in NSCN (R) as reported in a section of media.

While dismissing the news, the working committee of NNPGs clarified that the report “bears no credibility”

The working committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) in a statement issued on Friday said: “The news report carried in various mass media indicating tendency of split within NSCN (R) remains nullified and bears no credibility.”

Also read: Nagaland: Global Naga Forum condemns clash between NSCN-U and Niki Sumi group

However, the organisation admitted that there was “a minor internal issue within the party”.

The statement, signed by Wangtina Naga, president, NSCN(R); Akatao Chophi, vice-president, NSCN(R) and P Tikhak, kilonser, NSCN(R) said:  “It is also regretted that a minor internal issue within the party has been blown out of proportion and also exposed in the public domain.”

The organisation clarified that the internal issue has been amicably resolved.

“However, due to timely intervention of N. Kitovi Zhimomi, Convener, WC, NNPGs and other NNPGs Leaders, the misunderstanding has been resolved amicably and put to rest keeping in mind the interest or the Nagas at large and the inevitable political solution,” the statement said.

“Henceforth, the three top leaders of the NSCN (R) shall once again work together cohesively with due consultation with each other and shall continue to strengthen the NNPGs till the achievement of our final goal,” the statement, issued by the media cell of the working committee of NNPGs said.

“It has also been observed that some elements with ulterior motives have been instigating the collective leaders for vested interest, such elements are warned to immediately desist from further nefarious and divisive activities,” added.