KOHIMA: The NSCN-IM has allegedly sought the ‘intervention’ of China for reaching an early solution to the vexed Naga political issue.

The NSCN-IM has called for a “third-party intervention to break the deadlock” in the peace parleys between the outfit and the Government of India.

The NSCN-IM has also accused the Government of India of ‘backtracking’ from the Framework Agreement.

The Framework Agreement was signed between the NSCN-IM leadership and the Government of India on August 3, 2015.

All these were stated in a letter from the foreign affairs wing of the NSCN-IM to the Communist Party of China (CPC).

“The GoI has backtracked from the Framework Agreement. This has hindered the step towards a negotiated political settlement,” the NSCN-IM stated in the letter to the CPC.

It added: “Therefore, there is an imperative need for a third-party intervention to break the deadlock.”

The NSCN-IM also thanked China for “standing for the political rights” of the Nagas.

“We have not forgotten the love and support of the Chinese people for our national struggle since the fifties,” the NSCN-IM said.

The outfit added: “We are grateful to the Chinese people who are still supportive to our struggle.”

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Notably, the peace talks between the NSCN-IM and the government of India (GoI) over the Naga political issue had hit roadblock since May this year.

The NSCN-IM has remained firm on their stand of a separate Naga flag and constitution.

Meanwhile, reports have emerged that the Government of India is mulling to incorporate the Naga Constitution – the Yehzabo – into the Indian constitution.

Moreover, reports also claim that the Centre has agreed for a civil and cultural flag for the Nagas.

The union government has been holding two separate parleys with the NSCN-IM since 1997 and the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) comprising seven organisations since 2017.

The Centre signed a framework agreement with the NSCN-IM on August 3, 2015, and also entered into an agreed position with NNPGs in December 2017.