Leaders of Naga Hoho and Naga Mothers Association at a meeting in Kohima. (File image)

The Naga Hoho on Friday made a clarion call to all Naga political groups, civil societies, church leaders and all sections of the society in this defining moment for the Naga people to keep aside all differences and unite so that the posterity will not blame the present generation.

Naga Hoho president H.K. Zhimomi and general secretary K. Elu Ndang said the negotiators both from the NSCN/GPRN and the working group of seven NNPGs, in spite of all odds and hurdles, have been ceaselessly working to bring the Naga political issue to a logical conclusion.

The Hoho said it earnestly believed that the negotiators will not fail the people and said the Naga people must stand together and strengthen their hands.

“The Naga people cannot afford to miss the opportunity that is in our reach today because of our divisions and differences. In order to realize our dreams and hopes, it is our bounden duty to let go our personnel interests, pride and ego and march together in unison and forge a strong united voice,” it said.

The Hoho said the Naga people’s struggle for political settlement has come a long way with blood and tears as thousands of Naga noble souls have been sacrificed for the cause of the Naga people.

The worst bloodbath in the history of the Nagas had taken place due to differences and disunity vis-à-vis fratricidal killings, it added.

It said it has been working for the unity and solution to the protracted Indo-Naga political problem since its inception.

The Hoho added in line with its past leaders, it affirms it stand on the unity and fraternity among the Nagas without borders.

It said it had stood firm against all forces in protecting the legitimate rights of the Naga people and for unification of all Naga areas.

The Hoho expressed that it had time and again in the past said the Indo-Naga political settlement should be based on comprehensive and inclusive of all Naga political groups.

It acknowledged the “keen initiatives” of governor R.N. Ravi for bringing all other groups within the ambit of political negotiations.

The Hoho said it, alongside all other Naga civil societies, has been closely working for the peace process since the signing of the cease fire agreement in 1997.

It said the signing of the August 3, 2015 Framework Agreement has given a ray of hope to bring the Indo-Naga political talks to a logical conclusion.

“Now, the peace process is at its crucial stage. And is developing at a very fast pace, while the final solution is awaited by the Naga people and therefore Nagas cannot afford to miss another bus,” the Hoho added.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]