The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee launched its ‘crusade’ against ‘unfaithful state government’ at Congress Bhavan in Dimapur on Friday.

Addressing the programme, Pradesh Congress president K. Therie said the ‘crusade’ was necessitated as the people cannot expect anything from the present government which did not even present its manifesto to the people. He said the need to go to the people has arisen to win their votes for a brighter future under a welfare government run by responsible leaders.

According to him, the Naga society today is under threat of demographic changes, dilution of religious beliefs and erosion of customary and traditional practices.

He expressed concern that the Nagas are staring at a loss of identity, culture and traditions with the 47 MLAs in fear of the 12 BJP MLAs who are executing the diktats of the BJP and RSS in the state.

Therie lamented that although the 60 members of the state Assembly had voluntarily committed to paving the way for a solution to the Naga issue, they refused to honour the commitment despite the announcement of the conclusion of the Naga peace talks.

He added that the people of the state continue to suffer under extortion, corruption, lack of development, unemployment and backdoor appointments.

Drawing attention to the ‘vanishing’ state budget which has now reached Rs 23,000 crore, the Pradesh Congress chief said corruption, extortion and bribery have become an “accepted way of life and an expected way of life” in the state.

He alleged that the government has no vision for industrial development or for entrepreneurs despite Dimapur being one of the most potential upcoming cities after Guwahati in the Northeast.

He said with proper industrial policies and funding, the huge economic potential of the state can be tapped to usher in development, employment and prosperity provided the right leaders are elected.

Therie appealed to civil societies to uphold their respective stand on the issues affecting the state.

He also urged the electorate to learn from the past and vote consciously to ensure that the goals of a welfare government are delivered to the grassroots people.

The NPCC plans to take its ‘crusade’ to other parts of the state subsequently.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]