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The Dimapur District Citizens’ Forum expressed indignation over the unabated taxation by some Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) and other elements from shops and business establishments in Dimapur.

“It is most unfortunate that collection of various taxes from the already affected shops and business establishments are going on rampantly, resulting in price escalation and in turn affecting the public directly or indirectly,” the forum in a release issued by its media cell said on Tuesday.

It lamented that taxes are being collected at such an uncertain time caused by COVID-19 when churches, civil societies, NGOs and even some individuals are contributing their bit to support the fight against the pandemic.

The forum appealed to everyone, irrespective of group affiliation, to understand the present prevailing situation and refrain from such unabated taxation for the welfare of the citizens of Dimapur.

“Rather, help the citizens by putting a check on the high rise of the price of commodities for the welfare of the people of Dimapur in particular and Nagaland in general,” it appealed.

It also called upon the authorities concerned to look into the issue for the well-being of all.

The Dimapur Chamber of Commerce and Industries on Monday accused some NNPGs and other elements of forcefully imposing and collecting taxes from shops and business establishments in Dimapur.

It said some NNPGs and other elements reportedly are demanding taxes item-wise and intimidating the business community with the demands.

The trade body termed the act as an “extreme form of taxation” which will “surely sound the death knell of the business community.”

It urged the NNPGs to understand the situation faced by the business community who has been trying their best to get back on their feet.

The DCCI said it is unfortunate that the action of the some NNPGs and elements came when resources and energy of society and the government is focused on fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

“At this juncture, better sense should prevail and that resorting to intimidation or threat was not the answer since all are bound together under the crisis,” it said.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]