DIMAPUR: Nagaland chief minister Neiphiu Rio, on Friday, called for more enrolment in Bharat Scouts and Guides from the state as it is an international movement for the service of the people.

He asked the Nagaland State Bharat Scouts and Guides (NSBSG) members to motivate others to join the movement.

The Nagaland CM also underlined the need for district-wise enrolment.

Rio said this while inaugurating the golden jubilee building of the NSBSG at its Nagaland headquarters at Bayavü in Kohima.

He said the jubilee building is a testimony of hard work, dedication and service rendered by all the NSBSG members of the past and the present.

Nagaland CM Neiphiu Rio added he was delighted that even the senior members are actively involved in various activities and urged all to continue the good work for the people.

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Rio said he was awarded the Silver Elephant award, the highest national award of the Scouts and Guides movement in India, in 2015 by the President of India.

Saying that the youth are the backbone of society, he urged them to propagate peace and harmony.

“It depends on the youth to make Nagaland a vibrant and responsible society with love and peace prevailing and catch up with the rest of the country in all aspects,” the Nagaland CM said.

Addressing the gathering, adviser to youth resources and sports Zale Neikha said the Nagaland branch of the Bharat Scouts and Guides was formed in 1967.

He added that there are currently more than 3000 Scouts and Guides and 400 plus unit leaders and officials spread over various districts of the state.

Neikha noted that the NSBSG is doing an exceptional job and that many of its members have brought laurels to the state.

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He made special mention of the efforts put in by the NSBSG to combat Covid-19 during the lockdown.

He said the NSBSG has been involved in many activities such as awareness programmes, mass cleanliness drive, community-based projects etc.

Neikha hoped new units will be formed for the newly created districts of Nagaland.

He urged the NSBSG members to stay true to their motto and always be prepared to face any kind of situation.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]