Guwahati: Japan has decided to carry the possible remains of their soldiers, who were killed in Nagaland during World War II, for identification through DNA testing.

In September 2019, a team of the Japan Association for Recovery & Repatriation of War Casualties (JARRWC) launched a 10-day search operation in Nagaland and collected some possible human remains.

A three-member Japanese delegation, which met Nagaland Chief Secretary J. Alam on April 22, said that the possibility remains would be taken to the country for DNA testing for identification.

“The delegation expressed gratitude to the state government for the cooperation and support rendered to Japan in locating the remains of fallen Japanese soldiers during the WW-II. The team also briefed the Chief Secretary on the progress made during the past years. Alam assured the delegation of support and cooperation from the state government,” the Nagaland government Monday said in a statement.

The remains were collected by the team from the jungles at Wokha, Kohima and Phek districts in Nagaland.

Several Japanese soldiers had died fighting the Allied Forces during the Battle of Kohima way back in 1944.