NSCN-IM cadres
File photograph of NSCN(IM) cadres. Image credit – Subhamoy Bhattacharjee

Launching a tirade against the BJP government, the NSCN (IM) on Thursday said that the Centre is maintaining a double standard policy on Naga peace-talks.

The action of the government of India is showing its double standard policy which is extremely provocative, the outfit said in a statement.

The outfit cited the example of interior villages bordering Myanmar and Ukhrul district of Manipur.

It alleged that the people there live under perpetual fear under the watchful eyes of the joint military operation of the Indian army and the Tatmadaw “crafted” by NSA AJit Doval.

Four villages of Mapum, Sahamphung, Chamu and Phungtha have come under the control of the Indian army personnel that have stationed themselves like hawks occupying government school buildings for more than a month, it said.

The outfit said the students are in disarray and the teachers are helpless lest they earn the wrath of the Indian security forces.

It added the village authorities’ plea that the army should vacate classrooms as the final examination is round the corner fell on deaf ears.

“Can we expect a peaceful solution in this prevailing volatile situation?” the outfit said.

Saying that security check gates are established to frisk every passersby, it said villagers going to the paddy fields are very scrupulously questioned, putting them under agonizing distress.

It alleged anybody found extending hospitality to NSCN members are beaten up black and blue.

The outfit said its ceasefire with the Centre and the Indo-Naga political talks cover all the Naga territories irrespective of artificial boundaries created by the British as well as the government of India.

Creation of conducive environment in all the Naga territories in India and Myanmar has become a necessity as the outcome of the ongoing Indo-Naga political talks will naturally impact all the Naga territories.

The outfit cast doubt over seriousness and sincerity of the government of India in dealing the Naga issue.

It said the Centre is to blame for unleashing military might and arrogance at this crucial stage.

It said the government of India should immediately stop the cruelty and restore confidence between the two entities or else things may go beyond what the Centre can expect.

The NSCN (IM) sought to know whether the government of India is sending a message that the ceasefire is limited to some areas and that fighting should resume elsewhere.

The outfit lamented that the Indo-Naga ceasefire has no meaning for the Nagas of these villages because they still live under the direct control of the Indian security forces empowered by the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA).

The Indo-Naga political talks that have passed 22 long years make very little difference to many Naga villages in Manipur because of the “double standard policy” followed by the government of India, it said.

It went on to say that the comfort of the impending inclusive Naga political solution was never made to reach the villages, clouded by the presence of Indian armed forces personnel.

“These sorts of atmosphere leave much to be desired as it only reflects the insincerity of the government of India,” it said.

The outfit also alleged that Ukhrul district headquarters is seeing the “pre-ceasefire days” with the presence of ubiquitous Assam Rifles personnel who frisking any passers-by and vehicles.

“This is far from what is envisaged under the ongoing Indo-Naga political talks just nearing completion pending giving finishing touch to the competencies,” the NSCN (IM) added.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]