Naga Women Hoho Dimapur celebrating golden jubilee.

Naga Women Hoho Dimapur on Friday celebrated its golden jubilee commemoration under the theme, “The year of liberty”, at DDSC stadium.

Addressing the celebration as chief guest, additional secretary, rural development & mission director Nagaland State Rural Livelihood Mission, Athel O. Lotha said that the spirit of perseverance and persistence of the women leaders, both past and present to achieve the 50 years milestone was commendable and would serve as an encouragement to the people. 

While expressing happiness on completion of 50 years, Athel said: “With an aspiration of bringing together women from all walks of lives, irrespective of tribes under one umbrella and standing firm on the objective ‘unite and progress’, it is notable that NWHD has made impacts and surmounted so many obstacles over the decades.”

She said what was more encouraging was that, as an apex body comprising of mothers, NWHD had been honoured as counsellor to Naga Council with voting rights and had also become partner NGO to the state government towards women empowerment. 

Athel lauded every member who had selflessly contributed to foster the principle of “unity and progress” and to protect, preserve the customs, traditions and promote oneness and understanding amongst the Naga community, while protecting, nurturing and safeguarding rights of children and women.

“No appreciable development can be made either at the local, national or even international platform without recognising women as key players. Empowering women to participate fully in social, economic life across all sectors is essential to building a cohesive society, stronger economies and achieve development and sustainability”, Athel added. 

She informed that there was now 3000 self-help groups in Nagaland apart from Peren and Tuensang as the two were being covered under NERLP. Through self-help groups, she said that the government had been working on a lot of schemes and to empower women and to uplift their economy.