As the Naga political issue is yet to be settled, the Global Naga Forum has appealed for Naga unity to emerge from an unprecedented crisis.

The forum has made the appeal while addressing a letter to the Naga leaders of all civil societies, Tribe Hohos, women associations and unions, churches, forums and students’ bodies of Naga areas.

“Do we have the courage and wisdom to carry forward our rich Naga cultural inheritance by addressing and resolving the divisions amongst us?” the forum questioned in the letter.

“We sense we have come this close to either slipping into the deep historical precipice of lost peoples or uniting ourselves to build a bridge to the either side of precipice for a bright collective future,” the letter read.

“Our prolonged lack of unity has brought us to the brink. And it troubles us deeply that this generation of Nagas, especially the leaders, seem determined to blindfold themselves with antagonistic posturing of all kinds to take us all down,” it said.

“After all, our people have been through we refuse to believe our leaders will choose that path because we know it will slowly but certainly “disappear” the Nagas from the face of the earth,” the forum stated.

“We are not a numerous people. It won’t take much more than a prolonged period of mutual mistrust and fear, self-inflicted wounds, anxieties, insecurities and mutual misgivings and indifference, all the things rampant in our society, to do that.

“There are moments in life when scepticism and doubt can disable a necessary and resolute wise action. This is no time for indecision and weakness…,” the letter read.

Urging for a selfless way of resolving political crisis the Global Naga Forum appealed to the Naga representatives to find a common ground.

“We wonder what kind of society we are creating for ourselves and our children and grandchildren with every national group and political party self-righteously marching under the banner that reads, “my way or no way” and expects the people to march under its flag,” the forum said in the letter.

“As joint stakeholders must enter into relationships with honest intention for the common good of the society, making our political intent clear and campaigning for it, but not as enemies,” the letter further read.