RN Ravi
Nagaland governor RN Ravi. Image credit - Twitter @IPS_Association

Centre’s peace talks interlocutor and Nagaland governor RN Ravi on Friday said the government of India is determined to conclude the Naga peace process without delay by respecting the Naga people’s wishes.

Ravi also said a mutually agreed draft comprehensive settlement, including all the substantive issues and competencies, is ready for inking the final agreement on the Naga political issue.

“Endless negotiations under the shadow of gun are not acceptable,” Ravi said at a meeting with primary stakeholders of the Naga society in Kohima.

Also read: RN Ravi calls on Modi over Naga peace talks

The interlocutor issued a statement after the meeting.

He said the government India expects all negotiating parties to heed the will of the people and facilitate conclusion of the Naga peace process within a stipulated time.

Ravi a public function in Kohima in August said Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants resolution of the Naga issue within three months.

Also read: Cry for early solution to Naga issue grows louder

“Unfortunately at this auspicious juncture, the NSCN (I-M) has adopted a procrastinating attitude to delay the settlement raising the contentious symbolic issues of separate Naga national flag and constitution on which they are fully aware of the government of India’s position,” Ravi said.

He said the NSCN-IM has “mischievously dragged in the Framework Agreement and began imputing imaginary contents to it”.

“Some NSCN (I-M) leaders through various media platforms are misleading the people with absurd assumptions and presumptions over what they have already agreed with the government of India,” he added.

Ravi said a detailed consultative meeting with primary stakeholders of the Naga society was held in view of such “unfortunate attitude” of some NSCN-IM leaders.

The meeting was attended by apex leadership of 14 tribes of Nagaland, all the minority non-Naga tribes, Nagaland Gaon Burha Federation, Nagaland Tribes Council, church leaders and other civil society organisations.

The Framework Agreement with the NSCN-IM and the agreed position with the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) were extensively shared with the leaders present at the meeting, pertinent issues discussed and doubts on competencies clarified, a release issued by the Ravi’s office said.

Ravi highly appreciated political maturity and wisdom of the Naga leaders who expressed their overwhelming support in favour of a settlement.

He added the government of India under the dynamic and decisive leadership of the Prime Minister is determined and has been diligent to honourably conclude the Naga peace process, which has been going on for the last over 22 years.

The Naga peace process in the last five years has become truly inclusive and reached the conclusion stage, Ravi said.

The release said all Naga armed groups are engaged with the government of India’s Interlocutor and have worked out the draft final settlement.

It said the primary stakeholders which include tribal and civil society organisations from Nagaland, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam were involved in the peace process and made valuable contributions through regular consultations and insightful inputs.

Ravi said the church leaders with their constant prayers and goodwill have immensely contributed to the cause of enduring peace.

He added it is a matter of great satisfaction that agreements with the NSCN-IM on August 3, 2015 and with seven Naga armed groups under the banner of Working Committee of NNPGs on November 17, 2017 on the political parameters of the settlement were signed.

A church leader present at the meeting said, “The interlocutor did not pronounce any particular timeline as regard to the delivery of the solution.”

Retired IAS officer, who was also present, said, “We must get back to the people for better or for worse. Let there be a complete understanding for all the people of Nagaland to come forward to agree to the solution no matter what the consequences.”

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]