NSCN-K camp
File photo of an NSCN(K) camp in Myanmar. Image credit - Burma News International

Naga Students’ Organization (NSO), Myanmar has has asked both India and Myanmar to stop joint military operations in view of the Covid-19 outbreak.

But it alleged that both governments were still carrying out operations in the northern western parts of Naga Self-Administered Zone (SAZ), Sagaing Region of Myanmar bordering India.

NSO through its media cell has appealed to the governments of India and Myanmar to promote peace and tranquility besides development in the field of education, healthcare and socio-economy in Naga Hills instead of war.

NSO said that Naga villagers continue to live in fears and trauma under the military forces, adding that their voice and cries have gone unheard.

The student body lamented that the joint operation was undergoing in Naga regions despite poor villagers already living in fear of COVID-19 pandemic.

NSO also appealed to the military forces of both Myanmar and India not to harass and torture the innocent villagers in the name of operation against the NSCN.

The organisation also requested all the Nagas to remain confined in respective villages and not to travel to town and cities in order to avoid the contracting coronavirus until the situation returned to normalcy.

NSO asserted that one cannot imagine if the Covid 19-hits Naga hills, a place where even curable diseases in outside world cannot be treated.

NSO also urged all businessmen and shopkeepers in Layshi, Lahe and Nanyun, saying “Nagas are not money making machines and should not over charge on any commodities for daily consumption taking the advantage on coronavirus issues.”

The Eastern Konyak Union (Myanmar) has also appealed to the Indian and Myanmar governments to stop the military activities in Naga areas.