File photo of representatives of NNPGs. Picture credit - Morung Express

The Working Committee of the Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) has decided to resume talks with the Centre. The decision follows the appeal of the apex Naga tribal bodies and gaon burhas of Nagaland to continue the dialogue in the greater interest of the Nagas.

The NNPGs on June 3 decided to suspend all negotiations with the Government of India in protest against the raid carried out by the Assam Rifles at the residence of its co-convener and general secretary of NNC (Parent Body), V Nagi at Jotsoma in Kohima district on June 2.

The tentative date for talks between the two parties was fixed for June 7 in New Delhi.

In a press release on Tuesday, the NNPGs said its working committee has decided to begin the next round of talks in New Delhi.

Sources said a delegation of the groups, comprising GPRN/NSCN, NNC/FGN, NNC (parent body), NPGN/NNC (NA), NSCN (Reformation) and NNC/GDRN (NA), has already reached the national capital to resume the talks and has appealed to the Nagas for prayer support.

Twenty apex Naga tribal organisations along with gaon burhas of Nagaland at a joint consultative meeting here on June 6 urged the working committee of the Naga groups to continue the dialogue with the Centre in the larger interest of the people.

Appealing to the NNPGs to reconsider its decision of suspending the negotiations, the organisations extended support to the existing ceasefire between the Government of India and the NNPGs and said the ongoing political negotiation was possible only under an atmosphere of peace.

With the ceasefire agreement, they said, it was normal and obvious that terms and conditions are laid down for the participants to uphold and act accordingly in letter and spirit.