Nagaland State Transport bus
Nagaland State Transport bus

Senior citizens above the age of 60 in Nagaland can now travel in Nagaland state transport (NST)-run buses without paying any fare.

The NST in a statement on Saturday said the state government has announced the free travel facility for senior citizens in buses operated by it.

It said a certificate issued by a competent authority – medical or social welfare department – will be prerequisite for eligibility for identification of senior citizens.

“A bonafide senior citizen should be in possession of a valid identity card issued from the NST department on payment of Rs 50 renewable after two years against payment of Rs 20, and in case of any damage/lose, new identity card will be issued on payment of Rs 50,” the statement said.

It also stated companion, if any, of the senior citizens will have to pay fare against prior reservation on request to occupy a seat next to the senior citizen.

Free travel for senior citizen is permissible for both to and from including break journey or from the originating to the terminating station will be considered as completion of one stretch of the journey.

Free travel facility of senior citizen shall be limited to four seats in a particular bus and seat numbers bearing 4 to 7 will be reserved and marked accordingly, it said.

“And in the event of exceeding the normal or usual frequency of travel in a calendar year, restriction to a certain limit shall be imposed which shall be placed at the discretion of the controlling officer for decision,” it stated.

A request in advance or at least half an hour before departure of the bus would be preferred subject to availability of seat for that purpose to avail the facility, the statement said.

“This free travel facility shall be non-transferable and any imposter so detected shall be held liable leading to cancellation of the identity card,” it added.

Bhadra Gogoi is Northeast Now Correspondent in Nagaland. He can be reached at: [email protected]